Black Olive Tree, Bucida Buceras 'Shady Lady', 200-240cm - Plant Drop
Black Olive Tree, Bucida Buceras 'Shady Lady', 160-240cm - Plant Drop
Black Olive Tree, Bucida Buceras 'Shady Lady'
Black Olive Tree, Bucida Buceras 'Shady Lady', 200-240cm - Plant Drop
Black Olive Tree, Bucida Buceras 'Shady Lady'
Black Olive Tree, Bucida Buceras 'Shady Lady', 200-240cm - Plant Drop
Black Olive Tree, Bucida Buceras 'Shady Lady', 160-240cm - Plant Drop
Black Olive Tree, Bucida Buceras 'Shady Lady', 160-240cm - Plant Drop
Black Olive Tree, Bucida Buceras 'Shady Lady' - Plant Drop
Black Olive Tree, Bucida Buceras 'Shady Lady', 200-240cm - Plant Drop

Black Olive Tree, Bucida Buceras 'Shady Lady'

Regular price £695.00
Includes taxes. Hand-delivery calculated at checkout.

Fits Decorative Pot Opening: 35cm+

Location: Very Bright / Direct Light

Fits Decorative Pot Opening: 35cm+

Location: Very Bright / Direct Light

Fits Decorative Pot Opening: 46cm+

Location: Very Bright / Direct Light

Fits Decorative Pot Opening: 61cm+

Location: Very Bright / Direct Light


The indoor tree that looks just like a tree. You need high ceilings and lots of light, but what a statement if you have the room. 

Bucida buceras is known by a variety of names, including bullet tree, black olive tree, gregorywood (or gregory wood), Antigua whitewood, and Oxhorn bucida.

It is native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and northern South America, and is commonly found in coastal swamps and wet inland forests in low elevations.

The Bucida Buceras is a tropical tree with a native appearance. This unique characteristic makes the tree very popular in many plantscaping projects because it brings the outdoor atmosphere inside.

Best space & place

It requires bright sunlight and rich, moist, well drained soil.

When to water & feed

This tree likes to remain moist, but not soggy. Water whenever the soil is starting to become dry to the touch. Winter watering might need to be reduced depending on the brightness and warmth of the space. 

Need to know

This tree takes time to situate and will drop leaves, and continue to, but it will constantly replace those leaves. 

Size Information:

Height (Including pot):  150-160cm 230-260cm 350-400cm
Nursery Potsize (Diameter / Height):  ø34cm / H  40cm ø45cm / H38cm ø60cm / H55cm
Decorative Pot Required (Opening / Internal Height): 36cm+ / H42cm+ 46cm+ / H39cm+ 65cm+ / H60cm+

Decorative pot not included. The plant will be delivered in a plastic nursery pot. 

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