Weeping Fig Bush, Ficus Benjamina 'Danielle'
Weeping Fig Bush, Ficus Benjamina 'Danielle'
Weeping Fig Bush, Ficus Benjamina 'Danielle'

Weeping Fig Bush, Ficus Benjamina 'Danielle'

Regular price £85.00
Includes taxes. Hand-delivery calculated at checkout.

Fits Decorative Pot Opening: 32cm+

Location: Bright Indirect Light

Part of the fig family - most commonly known as the weeping fig - this bush form has a wonderfully dense leaf formation.
It is also air purifying and relatively easy going once it has become used to its new home. 

Best space & place

This ficus, like most others is happiest situated in indirect bright light. It is happy in most rooms, with a minimum night-time temperature of 15°C. If it is in too shaded a spot it could cause leaves to drop. 

When to water & feed

Allow the top two inches of soil to dry out between waterings and do not allow to sit in water as this will cause root rot. Apply a general purpose houseplant feed only in the growing months in small doses to avoid root burn. Reduce watering in winter.

Need to know

This tree always drops leaves when being moved, and more so in the winter when it commonly sheds some leaves anyway. It is a fast grower so these will be replaced quickly.

Pollutant Absorption Credentials

The Weeping Fig has been shown to help remove formaldehyde and Xylene from the air which can be given off by building materials, synthetic fabrics, and some paints and varnishes, making it ideal for those who have recently decorated.

Size Information:

Height (Including pot):  140-150cm
Nursery Potsize (Diameter):  ø27cm
Decorative Pot Required (Opening): ø28cm+

Decorative pot not included. The plant will be delivered in a plastic nursery pot.

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