Dypsis Lutescens, aka Areca Palm, Golden Bamboo or Butterfly Palm - Plant Drop

Dypsis Lutescens, aka Areca Palm, Golden Bamboo or Butterfly Palm

Areca are impressive palms growing as broad as they do tall. They are naturally air purifying plants, but do need high humidity to keep looking fresh and healthy. 
Thrives in bright indirect light. Shade from direct sun as this may scorch the leaves.
During the growing months (March to September) the soil needs to stay moist. When the soil surface is slightly becoming dry to touch, water well and allow any excess water to drain away (or empty the saucer or decorative pot), as the roots do not like to sit in water. 

In winter months when the plant becomes dormant, gradually reduce watering to allow the soil to dry out between waterings. 
  Areca can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water, spring water or leaving water out overnight before using.
Areca require misting regularly as  as our homes are too dry and lack airflow. 

In addition to misting, when temperatures rise, ventilate the home and allow fresh cooler air to flow.

Browning spots, curling leaves: humidity too low, soil too dry. 

Bleached leaves: exposed to direct sun.